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Eye Medical Center

The Eye Medical Center has diagnostic and consultation offices, equipped with state-of-the-art equipment as well as a medical treatment office meant to be used for small and medium eye and cosmetic surgeries, waiting room, bathrooms etc.

NEW! The eye center has a new modern high-quality medical electric scalpel, which can be used for bloodless and painless procedures to remove eyelid, face/body skin formations, small eye surgeries and much more. Manufactured by a leading American technology company - it has the remarkable ability to heal rapidly and without scar formation.

In Iris eye center you can also find the latest digital phoropter Unicos - an instrument used to test determine “refraction” in myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism and presbyopia (age-related farsightedness). This highly specialized equipmentcan measure refractive error to determine an individual's spectacle lens prescription during an eye examination. State-of-the-art digital technology is at the service of ophthalmologists.

We also have a new generation vision stimulator . It is manufactured according to CE ISO 13485, FCC and TUV standards. It is based on the basic principles of magnet therapy and the theory of channel acupuncture. It combines the effects of the magnetic field and the mechanical impact on the acupuncture points around the eyes. Its effects include: elimination of eye strain, nervous tension and insomnia, computer vision syndrome, reduction of dark circles and wrinkles around the eyes and more.



Комплекс за очно здраве „Ирис“ има сключен договор с НЗОК за диагностика и лечение на очни заболявания и работи с направления, издадени от общопрактикуващ лекар или специалист. 

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